Updating Breed information on the Breeds page on our websites
This article is for anyone who needs to change information displayed on the Breed pages on our websites.
To edit the information displayed on Breed Information pages you will need to open Pet Tracker and then click on Breeds. In Breeds you will need to search for the breed you need to edit. A partial name will work for most search. Here we used the search term “golden” when searching for Mini Goldendoodle. It found the Mini Goldendoodle so we can either double click on it or select it and then click Manage.
One in the Manage Breeds window you will want to click on the Customer Fields to edit the list of attributes. You can click on the attribute you want to change and hit Manage to edit an existing one or click Add to more to the list. In the Manage Custom Field window use the drop-down menu to choose which to add and then type in the Value field for what to display next to that attribute. Hit Save to save any changes.
If you got to the Notes tab in the Manage Breed window you can edit the Description. What is typed is typed there will show up on the page. Due to marketing, there may be a more common breed that is listed on the breeds page and the varients may need to be specified with the variables listed here. For example, the Mini Goldendoodle will be what potential customers search for instead of the different F1 or F1B variants. This Description space will let you specify breed variations. You may want to add paragraphs about each variant here to list out the different size and personality differences.
After editing that text click Save to have it change what is displayed on the website.
Changes usually take about 10 minutes to reflect on the website.
If you have any questions please call us at 877-360-7381.