How to mark products used as Store Use

Sometimes products in inventory are used as store use. These still need to be accounted for in inventory. To do this just follow the instructions in this guide.


To mark an item as Store use

  1. Open the Products Module

  2. Select a product and either double-click on it or highlight it and click Manage to open the Manage Product window.



  1. In the manage Product window click the Adjust Inventory button.




  1. The Adjust Inventory window will open. Editing the Adjustment Qty field will adjust the inventory amount for that product. Use negative amounts to mark that the item was used in the store. The New Qty will show the new amount still available for sale. The New Qty can also be edited to show how many of the product is left.



  1. Use the Type drop-down menu to select Store Use.



  1. In notes add any extra notes needed for why the store used the product.

  2. Click Save when done. The new amount available for sale will be updated and the adjustment will be noted in the inventory system.




The inventory adjustments can be viewed with Reports. The inventory adjustments report may be moved to other modules but by default it is in Products.

To view the Inventory Adjustments report:

  1. Open the Products Module.

  2. Click on Reports.

  3. Select the Inventory Adjustments by Date (XLS) report. The Inventory Adjustments by Date (XLS) can also be used in the same way.

  4. Select the location if there are multiple locations. All locations are also possible.

  5. Set the date or date range.

  6. It is optional to select a filter by the different types of Inventory Adjustments but can help you get to the Store Use faster if that is checked.

  7. Click Generate Report to create and view the report. You will need some type of spreadsheet program to view the report. Microsoft Excel, Libreoffice Calc, or Mac Numbers should all work with the report.


For the following example screens Libreoffice Calc was used. The spreadsheet may look slightly different for the other programs.

The Summary sheet will show the totals such as the number of adjustments and the totals of each type.


At the bottom of the window it will let you switch between sheets by clicking on either Summary or Details.

On the Details sheet more info about each individual Inventory Adjustment is viewable. Sorting by type and more is possible but will vary by which program is being used. For Store Use you will want to look at Column C to go through the Adj Reason and find Store Use. How many, Which Employee, reasons given in notes, and other info are viewable in the other columns.