Edit an existing Cardpointe User's Notifications

Edit an existing Cardpointe User's Notifications

This How-to will show you how to edit an existing Cardpointe User's Notifications.

To edit a User’s notifications, make your way to cardpointe.com. After you sign in follow the instructions below.

  1. Select the “Administration” tab on the blue bar.

  2. Select the “User's” tab below the blue bar.

  3. Select the user you need to manage.

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After you have selected the user account you will be brought to their contact page. This is where you can send them a reset password link and delete their User, or manage their Name and User Type.

You cannot change the associated E-mail address. If the email is incorrect you will need to delete the account and start over.

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Click on Dashboard Notifications. Check mark the notifications that you want to receive on the dashboard and Click Save . Notifications are separated between System Notifications and Transaction & Event Notifications.

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Please be aware that if you have multiple Cardpointe Accounts/Locations. You will have to click the dropdown, select the account/location, check mark the notifications you want to see on the dashboard or receive in your e-mail, and click save. This will have to be done on every account/location.

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System Notifications

Administration Notification

  • Notifications for administrators.

Global Notification

  • Global notifications for all users.


  • Stay informed with product releases, site maintenance and general announcements.

Transaction & Event Notifications

Per Declined Transaction

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every transaction that is declined.

Per Refund

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every refunded transaction.

Per Rejected Transaction

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every transaction that is rejected at settlement.

Per Batch Close

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every closed batch.

Per Force Credit

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every transaction processed as a force credit.

Per Chargeback

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard for every chargeback event.

PCI Non Compliance

  • Display a notification on the Dashboard when a Location is marked as PCI Non-Compliant.


  • Display a notification on the Dashboard when a processing statement is available each month.

Dashboard Notifications will display on the dashboard of your Cardpointe Account.

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E-mail notifications work the same way as dashboard notification, but you will receive an E-mail notification to the E-mail that that you see under the contact info tab for the user account.

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