Change Receipt Header/Footer Spacing on POS-X printers

The basic receipts in the system are formatted to work universally on multiple makes and models of printers. As a result the receipts may not print out optimally for some printers; you can optimize the look of your receipts using the following technique, but please note that the suggested values may not be correct for your specific make and model of printer and may require some trial and error to achieve the desired result.

Instructions for POS-X Printers on Windows 10

  1. Open "Printers & Scanners"

  2. Click on the POS-X Thermal Printer

  3. Click on Manage

  4. Click on Printing Preferences

  5. Click on Printer Commands

  6. Change "Cut the paper" to "No Feed"


  7. Click on Text Switching

  8. Change the Top value to 9 mm to trim 9 mm off the top of the receipts

  9. Change the Bottom value to -5 mm to extend the bottom of the receipt to have a blank line.





If the setting changes that you make do not save then you may have to make the changes from the printer driver and not the windows manager. This may require logging in to the computer as an admin. When going in to the printer properties there will be a bottom at the bottom left with a windows authentication symbol. You log in to that when prompted to allow changes to be made to the computer and then using the printer preferences there you should be able to get it to save the changes made. Screenshots to follow next time we have a situation like this.

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