Rundown on Business Track and Chargebacks

Rundown on Business Track and Chargebacks

The following link will be to the Business Track website that you can use to dispute chargebacks.


Start on the Business Track dashboard. This should look the same whether you sign in using the Omaha login or the merchant login. If you are a store owner you will be using the Merchant login.

If you do not have a Business Track account then you will need to create one by selecting the enroll button. Do not hesitate to reach out to customer service if you need assistance with your Business Track enrollment or access.

Another way to sign in is to select the “Applications” tab, than select “Dispute Management”.

This is the method utilized in this How-to:

If you are a Store Owner select “Merchant Login”. If you don't have an account select “Enroll”.

If you are having trouble signing in or forgot your password please select the “Having trouble signing in?” link below the “Sign In“ button.

Next, you will be prompted to enter a security code for added security. You will receive the security code by email that is registered with your User ID.

For security purposes you will receive a security code every time you login to Business Track.

  1. From the dashboard page locate the “Disputes” column on the right side. Select the “Small Business Dispute Management” tab. This will allow you to respond to chargebacks and retrievals with workflow management tools.

  1. After selecting the “Small Business Dispute Management” tab you will see Actions Required, In Progress, and Closed Disputes. You will have the option to search for a dispute using a case number and be able to filter your disputes.

  1. Once you have disputed a claim, you will receive a case number.

  1. From the “Dispute Details” page select the “Merchant Dispute Guide” tab highlighted below.

  1. When filtering Disputes you can locate a dispute using

  • Location

  • Date

  • Amount

  • Card Type

For Larger clients you can use the “Advanced Dispute Management” to access the queue-based management dispute tool.

Under the Welcome Tab-Quick Links, there are guides and requirements such as:

  • The Dispute Manager User Guide- This is a complete guide of using this system which includes definitions and screenshots.

  • The Merchant Dispute Guide- This guide provides a walkthrough of the dispute guide and provides examples for each chargeback retrieval listing code, documents to upload, how it happens, and tips to avoid future chargebacks.

  • The RT and CB Reason Code Listing- is a quick reference guide to obtain the exact reason for the chargeback based on the reason code number associated with it.

  • Scheduled Maintenance Outages- Here you can view the dates/times of scheduled maintenance outages.

  • System Requirements- This will list off each of the browsers required to operate the tool.

  • Online Help- This is an index of the Dispute Manager to help with navigation.

  • Demo- This is a demo video to follow along with or refresh memory on how to operate the tool.

You will also notice the Bulletins tab which will provide updates from the card networks and Fiserv, system updates, and production issues. This will also house any important reminders related to inquires and disputes. It is important to review the bulletins tab regularly to stay up to date on dispute related changes in the fast paced payments industry.


Next, look at the Queues Tab. The Queue selector allows you to select and expand specific queues to view cases and messages within that queue.

The work tracker section will display all of the cases that have been worked on prior to the cut-off time for the process date. You are able to hover over the Process Date to view that cut-off time.

  1. Let's learn how the queues work!

Icons can vary based on the dispute status of each case. A green arrow with black lettering indicates that the case has been selected and acknowledged. A red star with red lettering indicates an expired case. A red star with black lettering indicates that the chargeback has not been worked on.

The Data Columns list

  • The Request Date- This shows the date that merchant services notified of the dispute.

  • The Due Date- This shows the deadline to challenge the case if a response is provided.

  • The Case Number- This is the unique number assigned to the case.

  • The Card Number- This is the number of the card used in the disputed transaction.

  • The MCC or Merchant Category Code- Shows the category of your business such as a restaurant or retail.

  • The Work Type- This indicates what stage the chargeback is in, whether it’s the first chargeback, second chargeback, or pre-arbitration.

  • The Dispute Amount- This is the amount of the dispute.

  • The RC or Reason Code- This will indicate the reason code associated with the dispute.

  • The Status Code- This will show whether the dispute is open, outstanding or expired.

  • Document- Lastly, the Document column will tell you if there is any documentation for the dispute.

You can also use the radio buttons at the bottom to toggle between three different work list views;

  • Case View- This shows you all the cases for the merchant.

  • Merchant View- This shows you all the cases sorted by each location.

  • Transaction View- This sorts the chargebacks by each transaction.

If searching for a specific case using the case number please note that you must select Work This Case in order to change the status of the case. You will not have to select Work This Case if selected from the Que as it will automatically open for you. Anytime you are finished looking at a particular case select the Release tab.

It’s very important to release the case and do not click the X button or close out of the window without clicking the Release tab as this will lock you and others out of the case for 4-6 hours. This means that no one will be able to work the case which can affect meeting timeframes.

Next, we have the Case Files window showing the Output Package and the Merchant Supplied folders.

The Output Package folder contains an electronic copy of any documentation related to this case. This will give you information about the case that you can use when researching or challenging the dispute. This folder can also contain written notice from the cardholder describing why they disputed the transaction as well as bank documentation supporting the dispute.

The Merchant Supplied folder contains any documents uploaded to be sent back to the bank to challenge the dispute.

*If challenging a dispute it is important to be as detailed as possible. Be sure to answer any questions or concerns from the bank or cardholder.

*Refer to the Dispute Best Practices Guide for tips on challenging disputes.

The Four sections of the Chargeback Information window are indicated by the gold number icons 1-4 or by using the scroll bar on the right side.

Section 1 This is where most of the information you need to know will be. You can view the status code and the status of the case you are reviewing. Status codes include OUTSTANDING, ACCEPTED, EXPIRED, CLOSED , CREDIT ISSUED OR CHALLENGED.

The Case Number is the number assigned to the dispute. If faxing or mailing any documentation it is important that this case number is on every single page. You will also see the Cardholder Member, the Chargeback Reason Code, Merchant Name, Merchant Number, MCC or Merchant Category Code, and Dispute Jurisdiction (association rules being used).

You can view the Due Date which is important because all documentation must be submitted by this date. The Transaction Date indicates when the transaction was settled. The Card Product Type(Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express) information is also available under Section 1.

This section also shows the Chargeback amount, Transaction amount, Foreign account, and Pre Dispute information.

*The Chargeback amount and the Transaction amount can differ if only part of the amount is being disputed or if it is a foreign card that has an exchange rate.

Section 2 provides more details about the case such as;

The Chargeback Cycle to see if it is a First Chargeback or Pre Arbitration.

The Date that the dispute was requested. The Process Date tells you when the transaction was sent to the financial institution.

The Transaction Method tells you how the transaction was processed (swiped, chip read, manually entered, or electronic commerce via the internet).

The Reference Number is a unique identifier for the transaction.

There will also be a Customer Service Contact which can be used to call if any questions arise.

Section 3 will show the incoming chargeback reason code, a message from the issuing bank, and two dates, the Merchant Due Date and the Financial Disposition Date.

The Merchant Due Date is when all documentation must be returned to merchant services to satisfy network timeframes.

*Anything received after this date may not be accepted by the issuing bank. Merchant services will send the information but the bank is not obligated to accept it past the due date listed.

The Financial Disposition Date is the date the transaction amount was requested to be pulled from your account as a result of the dispute.

Section 4 gives the same information as viewed in Section 3 but for EXCEPTION CASES such as pre-arbitration and arbitration.

Taking a look at the blue tabs below you will see the User Notes tab where the merchant can input documentation to rebuttal a dispute. *By clicking the green arrow to the left of the date column you can open the note to read all of the notes available.

By clicking on the Trans/Credit tab provides information on transactions completed with the card number in the last 6 months.

The Auth Records tab tells you about the authorization response received for the transaction.

The Actions tab is where you can upload documents, and add notes to communicate back to the issuing bank. There are 4 options available for chargeback cases; Dispute/Reverse Chargeback, Accept Chargeback, Credit Issued, and Pend for Time.

The Dispute Reverse Chargeback is how you challenge a case.

The Accept Chargeback tab is if you want to accept the chargeback. By doing so you are saying that you agree with the dispute and money should be reversed back to the issuing bank. A debit will follow if one has not already been processed.

The Credit Issued tab will only be used if you issued a credit prior to receiving a dispute. If you receive a dispute and feel the customer should be refunded DO NOT ISSUE A CREDIT. The dispute already gave the money back. Instead, accept the chargeback.

The Pend for Time tab does not give you more time to challenge the dispute however it does allow the case to be set aside in another queue if waiting on additional information. You will need to select how many days to pend the case for and include any notes to support the pending status. It is not recommended to pend up to the due date which could result in the dispute being lost.

  1. When challenging a case ensure you have everything to submit prior to selecting submit action. If you need to undo a case you would need to select the green arrow on the specific case from the work tracker or by finding the case in the search function of the blue bar.

Select UNDO,

Next, select Submit.

Once you have successfully undone the action the case will move back to an OUTSTANDING status.

The Messages tab is where you will receive two types of messages; alerts and acknowledgments. These can be reviewed in the queue or from the messages screen in the case.


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