POS 0.178 Release Notes (2018-03-20)

POS 0.178 Release Notes (2018-03-20)

New Features and Enhancements

* The integrated Credit Card/Debit Card screen has received a couple of enhancements. The first change is that you can no longer press the X in the top right to force the screen to close. To go with that change, you now have a "Close" button which is available after the charge attempt has been canceled. There is now also a "Voice Auth" so you can record a voice authorization if needed. Lastly, if the customer leaves their card in the pin pad after it has been charged, the pin pad will now beep at the customer a couple times to help them remember to remove their card.
* The Open Hold/Quote screen has been updated to show exceptions on the same screen. This enhancement should make it much easier to find an invoice as they are now all listed in the same table for each type.
* Prior scanned products will now show up when you open the scan verification screen. In addition, last last scanned item will be at the top of the list by default. Lastly, if you try to finalize an order that has products that have been scanned in Scan Verification, but not saved yet, you will get a warning letting you know to make sure that is what you intended.
* You now have an option under the advanced tab in products to exclude a product from being discountable.
* You can also prevent the product from being added to a promotion.
* The third enhancement under the advanced tab of products is you can have the product ask for the sale price when it is added to the cash register.

Bug Fixes and Minor Enhancements

* We have found and corrected an issue in the cash register that can cause it to close unexpectedly.
* You can now have commas in addresses.
* Searching for Invoices is much faster than previously.
* You can no longer adjust clock ins and outs to happen in the future.
* Trying to save a promotion with no products selected will now give you a warning that not selecting products will have the promotion apply to all products.
* The product management screen has had multiple speed enhancements applied to it.
* The PO Discrepancy report has been updated to prevent data from overlapping and to sort by barcode.
* We found and corrected an issue where some products were not getting added to Safety Stock orders.
* "On Other PO's" will now include quantities where the ordered quantity are on other Open PO's. Previously, it only showed Submitted, and In Receiving PO quantities.
* There is a warning that will now appear when you start a full inventory to make sure that is what you really intend to do.
* Gift Card purchases are now listed separately from sales on the End of Day Report.
* Notes tied to products in the Sales Screen can now be multiple lines.
* Non invoice tray openings are now included in the closing journal receipt.
* You can now search by product attributes.

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