POS 2.34 Release Notes (2022-11-22)

Features and Enhancements

  • New Invoice Lines will now add to an existing invoice line instead of adding a new line in the sales screen. If the existing products have a manual discount, then a new line will be created instead.

  • We now query Astro for the barcodes tied to the offers and frequent buyer programs you are signed up for and will send those specific barcodes to Astro instead of the primary barcode. This should correct programs that require a case barcode provided you have the quantity associated with the barcode in the Manage Product → Barcode configuration. This will also eliminate the need to create bundles for cases of food.

  • There is a new ABC Report available in Products. This splits your products into A products, representing 80% of your profit, B products, representing 15% of your profit, and C products, representing 5% of your profit.


Bug Fixes and Minor Enhancements

  • QR Tag Entry is now limited to only the specific characters that are allowed.

  • Switched Astro Offers logic back to capture offers at the end of the sale instead of when Pay is pressed. This can result in an offer that gets rejected at the end of the sale, and can result in you needing to collect the difference from the customer. This change will be changed back to capturing the offer when pay is pressed once Astro has corrected an issue that can cause offers not to be redeemable if a user went back to a sale from the payment screen.

  • Special characters are allowed on customer names again.

  • A Call Tracking Add On has been added to the system. Using call tracking greatly enhances the trackability and monitoring of digital marketing leads.

  • Manage Warehouse will no longer close the screen when the order status is updated.

  • Available and On Hand quantities have been added to the Manage Warehouse Orders table.

  • Updating a receiving’s freight and other, and then updating a product before saving will no longer lose the freight and other costs that have been entered.

  • The Inventory Adjustment Reason has been added under Manage Product → History → Inventory Adjustment.

  • The default adjustment reason has been updated to Other Gain/Loss. This is to avoid having employees adjust inventory under Damaged accidentally which can change the quantity of products that get ordered through safety stock ordering.

Beta Features

If you wish to test one of these features, please call support. They can be selectively turned on on individual computers.

  • AVS Support for manually entering credit cards.

  • Asynchronous receipt printing allows the cash register to continue and not wait for the receipt printer to finish printing.

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