How-To Change the Emails Leads Get Sent To

How-To Change the Emails Leads Get Sent To

This How-To Article covers the steps how leads from your website get sent out via email, and how to update that email address.

Emails get sent to the locations primary email address tied to the website or the individual form. If the customer is asking about a pet at location B, the email will get sent to email configured for location B.


  1. Open Global Settings and Configuration and Log In.

  2. Click on Locations

  3. Select the Location that you want to edit, and click on Manage.

  4. Change the email on the first email line associated with the location, and then press Save.


The email address can be overridden on a per form basis if necessary. Please submit a request to Pinogy Support that includes the specific form (or link to the webpage it’s on), along with the email you would like that form sent to.

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