How to check and publish Testimonials.

How to check and publish Testimonials.

This article is for anyone who needs to view, approve, and publish testimonials on a pinogy CMS website.


Testimonials are a great way to show how happy customers have been with your products but due to trolls and activists, we don’t automatically display testimonials that have been entered into our system. Please make sure to thoroughly read the testimonials as they may start off sounding good but may have other things hidden in the message that would be bad for the store.


All testimonials used in this guide are on our demo/test website so how they look on your website will be different. This guide is on how to review and authorize them.



First Login into your website by adding /?edit onto your domain name. Example www.yourstore.com/?edit and then hit enter. I prompt for your username and password should appear. Enter those in and click the Login button


After Logging in you will have a menu option for Apps. Click on this and then navigate down to Testimonials. A second window with Testimonials will appear. Click this Testimonials menu item.


This will open the Testimonials app. You can click on a Testimonial # link to view and edit that testimonial. There are checkboxes for Published? and Featured? that can be checked to make them public. Published make them visible on the website on the Testimonials page. Featured adds them to any Testimonial Carousels that may be present on the website. Clicking Save at the end will save any changes. The Add Testimonial allows manual testimonials to be added. This may be needed to move reviews to the website from other locations (Google, Facebook, Yelp, etc.)


The checkboxes on the left allow for mass manipulation with the drop-down menu just above them. Check each that you want to mass action. Then select what you want to do to them with the drop-down. Then click Save at the bottom to have the system make those changes.


If you click on a testimonial or click on add testimonial you will get a window similar to the below. The difference is a new one will be empty and have nothing entered in.

Each field and what the buttons do will be listed in the image.



After all changes have been made Save the changes with the save button at the bottom of the Testimonials app and then publish any changes if needed on the website to finish.



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