Invoice Notes

Invoice Notes are an optional setting that you can turn on in the Cash Register to be able to make general notes tied to each invoice.

How to Enable Invoice Notes

  1. Open the Cash Register application, and then go to Settings, and then Options.

  2. In the Location Options, find the options that says “Enable Invoice Notes”

  3. From here, select the type of Invoices you would like Invoice Notes enabled on.

  4. Once you’ve selected the Invoice Types you would like Notes enabled on, click on Save.

  5. Close the Cash Register application, and then restart it to see your changes.

How to Use Invoice Notes

  1. You will now see a new tab to the right of the Search tab in the cash register.


  2. Start your invoice like you normally would by either adding a product or a customer to the invoice.

  3. You can now click on the Notes tab and type in anything you would like to.


Where Can You See the Notes After the Invoice has been Completed.

Invoice Details Screen

The first place you can see the notes is on the Invoice Details screen.

If your notes don’t fully show in the Invoice Details screen, you can use the magnifying glass in the lower right hand corner of the notes box. This will open a new dialog window to see the full notes that were entered on the invoice.


Manage Order

If you have Delivery Order options enabled, you can also see the notes under the Manage Order screen. They will be located under the Order Notes tab.

Please note that if the order has not yet been paid for, and therefore the original invoice is still open, any updates to the Order Notes will also update the notes on the Invoice and vice-a-versa. If the Invoice has been closed however, only the Order notes will get updated.


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