How to merge customer accounts.

This article is for anyone who needs to merge multiple customer accounts together.


Sometimes a customer ends up with multiple accounts. This could be from a cashier hitting the plus instead of the magnifying glass button or from a customer making an online account after already having an in-store account.


This is limited to only Admin level users of the system. This is because this cannot be undone and is permanent therefore we limit this to top-level users of the system. Managers and below cannot do this.


To do this :

  1. Open the Cash Register Module.

  2. Click on the Customers button.

  3. Search for the customers you need to merge.

  4. Select the customer accounts. The first account selected or clicked on will be the primary. Any others selected afterwards will have their bonus bucks and other reward programs merged into the primary. Any website e-commerce logins will also be merged into the primary and the website orders going forward will be added to the primary’s account.

  5. After all of the accounts have been selected in the correct order click Mass Action.

  6. Select Merge Customers.

  7. Click Select.

  8. In the alert that comes up click Yes.


This will merge the Bonus bucks total to a sum of the accounts. Astro accounts will not be merged as part of this. Astro reserves that as a function on their website and you would have to log in to Astro to merge the user accounts there.

Example of the secondary account info being added to the primary :


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