How to split payment on an invoice

How to split payment on an invoice

This article is for anyone who needs to split a sale between multiple payment methods.


Frequently customers will want to pay with multiple payment methods. Split payments are sometimes necessary when a customer does not have enough money in one form of payment. This may result is partial payments with cash and cards. This can be also gift cards, Bonus Bucks, financing in addition to their cards or cash. With the Pinogy Point of Sale this is easy to do.

Warning: You never want to charge the same credit card on the same sale on the same day twice.  This will often result in you not getting paid for one of the charges or possibly not getting paid for either charge as some banks consider this behavior to be fraudulent.

In the Cash Register Module ring up the items as normal. When finished click the Pay button.


On the Make Payment window change the payment amount to the amount the customer wants to pay on their different payment methods. For the example, we will start with $50 in Bonus Bucks.


Once the Bonus Bucks button is clicked it will add the Bonus Bucks and 50.00 in the payment section to the right. Then we will add $300 in financing to the sale. It will also be added to the right and the remaining total will be listed in the Payment Amount at the top and also in the Balance Due at the bottom.


We will do the remaining balance in cash by hitting the cash button. This then added the cash to the payments section on the right and the Balance Due is now $0.


If the customer changes their mind you can click the grey X next to any payment to remove it from the sale. It will prompt you to be sure you want to void that payment and you can click yes. This will then return the amount owed to the amount that was removed. Another payment method of the right amount will be needed to finish the sale.

Once the sale is done and they have paid the full amount then you can click the Finish button. This will bring up the receipt window and you can print the receipt if it didn’t already as well as send the receipt in an email to the customer. All of the payment types and their totals will be listed as well as any change due. Click Close when finished.



Any other payment methods listed on the payment screen can be used as long as the payment amount is adjusted accordingly.


If you need to know how to split a return to multiple payment methods please see this article :

How to process returns to different payment methods.





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