How to Add a New Payment Method

How to Add a New Payment Method

Use this to add a new payment type.

  1. Log into Global Settings & Configuration

  2. Click on the Payments toolbutton at the top.

  3. Under the "Payments" tab click on the "Payment Method" then click on the "New" button.

  4. A new "Manage Payment Method" window opens up. Fill in the fields then click on "Save" to finalize the addition of the payment method.

    1. The Display Name is how the Customer will see the Payment Method

    2. The Payment Screen Display Button is the button that the payment will display on in the Sales Screen payment section.  If you add multiple payment methods to the same Payment Screen Display Button, then the Payment Methods will open in a dialog on the pay screen after the display button is pressed to choose which payment method you would like.

    3. The Payment Type links this Payment Method to a Payment Type, which is where you can control the behavior of this payment and others linked to the same Payment Type, including if the cash drawer should open, and if you are counting out his payment method at opening and closing.

    4. The Associated Batch controls how your payments get rolled up for the Deposit section and also if you are having them exported to an accounting package.

    5. The Default status sets whether this payment method is enabled for all stores, or disabled.

If you are setting up a payment method as a backup, it’s generally best to create it before you need it and uncheck “Enabled”. Many people will create a payment method of “Offline CC” for instance, and pair that with using the Virtual Terminal on CardPointe in the event of a pin pad failure or if traveling. In the event that you need to use your backup payment method, simple enable it, and then restart the Cash Register application to make it available.

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