How to set tags on Django CMS websites.

How to set tags on Django CMS websites.

This article is for anyone who needs to add tracking tags (Google or other) onto our Django CMS websites.


To add a tag first login to the website by adding /?edit onto the website’s address.

You will get a prompt for your username and password :


Enter those in and then click LOGIN or hit enter. You will then be logged into the webpage and be able to edit the tags.

To edit or add tags :

  1. click on Apps at the top of the page,

  2. Go to Site Configuration and mouse over it.

  3. Another menu with a second Site configuration. Click on that to open the Site Configuration app.


The Site configuration app that opens will have several fields that you can enter settings into. Scroll down to the META TAGS field. Enter the tags for the entire site here. Click Save when done.



If you need to add tags for specific pages this can be done by clicking on the Page menu at the top and then clicking on Page Meta Tags.

This will open the Add page meta tag extension window where you can add tags specific to that page. Click Save when done.




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