Pinogy POS Training Guide: Products

Pinogy POS Training Guide: Products

The Products module is used to manage your products and associated inventory.

Top buttons, from right to left:

  • What’s This (?) and Help: Same on every module.

  • Settings: Provides an explanation for each tab.

  • Log In/Log Out: Click to log in or log out of the module.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the current screen.

  • Reports: Click to access the various reports that can be run from this module.

  • PIDB: Explain the PIDB (Pet Industry Database) and show how to search products.

  • Promos: Explain how to create a promotion and show examples.

  • Inventory: For clients with multiple locations, it explains Transfers. It also clarifies how to use the Reset and Count tabs for conducting a physical inventory.

  • Bundles: Show how to bundle multiple products into a single SKU. Explain how Bundles can be used to break bulk products sold by weight and correctly track available quantities.

  • Products: Demonstrate how to add a new product. Show what can be done with a product once added (explain tabs). Explain and demonstrate Smart Table Settings, Smart Export, Smart Lines, Warnings, and Price Review.

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