Pinogy POS Training Guide: Customer Display

Pinogy POS Training Guide: Customer Display

Customer Display

The Customer Display module is used to set up a customer-facing monitor.

After setting up the Display, enable Customer Display in Cash Register Settings > Options > Device.
Once enabled, close and reopen the Cash Register module, the Customer display screen will pop up, to which you can drag it to the direction on the display screen.

For issues with screen detection on Windows, you will need to go to the computer display settings to assign where the display is, in relation to the main computer monitor. Right click on your Desktop > Display settings > Click and drag the numbered rectangles to rearrange.

NOTE: If the client is going to use this module, showing how it works can be explained as part of the training on the Cash Register module.

  • What’s This (?) and Help: Same on every module.

  • Log In/Log Out: Click to log in or log out of the module.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the current screen.

  • Settings: Show how the client can add their own graphics to display for the Closed Screen, Open Screen, and Thanks Screen.

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