Pinogy POS Training Guide: Employee Dashboard

Pinogy POS Training Guide: Employee Dashboard

Employee Dashboard is primarily used for clocking in and out by employees, and reporting on those times by Managers and Admins for use with their accounting/payroll software. It can also be used for tracking Commissions and Tips.

Top buttons, right to left:

  • What’s This (?) and Help: Same on every module.

  • Settings: Explains the Work tab. The Rewards tab can be used to enable and configure Commissions, Commission Overrides, and Tips.

  • Log In/Log Out: Click to log in or log out of the module.

  • Refresh: Refreshes the current screen.

  • Reports: Shows Timeclock.xls and Timeclock Edits.xls after you have shown a sample clock in and out.

  • Rewards: Explains what will be shown here if Commissions and Tips are enabled.

  • Time Clock: Shows how an employee clocks in/out. Shows how an Admin or Manager can adjust time and how it is reflected on the “Timeclock.xls” and “Timeclock Edits.xls” reports.

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