How to create a Bundle

How to create a Bundle

This article is for anyone who needs to make a bundle.

Bundles make it easy to sell groups of items as a single sale.


To make a bundle :

  1. Open Products.

  2. Click on the Bundles Button.

  3. Click New.


This will open the Manage Bundle window. In this window you will need to first edit the bundle on the Bundle tab.

On the Bundle tab :

  1. Set the Bundle Name.

  2. Set the Price.

  3. Optionally, add a barcode for the bundle by clicking on Add in the barcode section. (This is often a case barcode when selling a complete case of food.)

    1. Enter a Barcode.

    2. Set the quantity.

    3. Save when done.

  4. Check any modifiers you want to be set to the right.


Next is adding the products you want in the promotion.

  1. Click on the Products tab.

  2. Click Add

  3. In the Add Product window

    1. Search for the product to add.

    2. Select it after it is found

    3. If you need to add another product check Add another

    4. Click Add Selected to add that item.

    5. Repeat a - d until all items in the bundles have been added.

    6. Click Close

  4. Once all items have been added, adjust any quantities (fractional quantities are also allowed) and Click Save.


The bundle will be created. It will show up in the list of bundles. You can now ring it up by the barcode or SKU like a single product. It can also be assigned to a quick button.


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