Editing costs on prior invoices, purchases, and transfers, and inventory adjustments.

This article is for anyone who wants to know how to edit costs on prior invoices, purchases, and transfers, and inventory adjustments.


It is now possible to edit costs on invoices, purchases, transfers, and inventory adjustments after they have been completed.

This may need to be done if a mistake was made while setting the cost and then some of the products were sold. For example, while receiving the product’s cost was set to the eaches cost but then sold as a case at that cost causing the margins report to be incorrect. This lets this be corrected where it could not before.

To do this :

  1. Open and login into the Products module.

  2. Select the product you want to edit the cost on and then either double click or click Manage to open the Manage Product window. This can only be done on one product at a time.

  3. Click on the History tab.

  4. Under history click on Either the Sales, Purchases, Transfers, or Inventory Adjustments tab depending on which one you want to edit.


Under the Cost column, the cost is now clickable to edit. You can do an individual line or select multiple and then click Mass Action.


It will bring up an Update Cost window with a number pad to enter in the new cost if you choose either the single line item or the mass action for multiples.

This same clickable cost will be on the other tabs as well and function the same way.

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