Clover Export Instructions

Clover Export Instructions

In order to export data from Clover, you will need to send us an API key and your Merchant ID. Instructions for obtaining those is below.


  1. Log into Clover and click on Account & Setup



  2. Click on API Tokens.

  1. Click on Get Started to clear the popup. Click on “Create new token”

  1. Name your token “Pinogy” (1) and check Read for all options (2-7), and then click on Create Token (8).

  1. Click on the eyeball next to your new Private token (1), and then click on Copy (2).

  1. Paste the token you just copied into an email message (we will send it off after the next couple of steps).

  2. Click on Account (1), then Account & Setup (2)


  1. Click on Merchants




  1. Copy the number under the Merchant (1) and under MID (2) by highlighting them and then pressing on Ctrl-C. You will then want to paste each into that same email we started in step 6.

  1. Set the to email address to support@pinogy.com, and the Subject of Clover Import for {Store Name} on your email and then send it.

What should I expect next?

  • We will get your initial import completed within one week.

  • Your implementations specialist will let you know once your initial import has been completed.

  • Please review the information not in Pinogy to make sure everything looks good.

    • Please be aware that we do not import your inventory quantities, gift card balances, or link Customers to Astro until your final import.

    • If you find any issues, please let your implementations specialist know so any discrepancies can be corrected before you start using Pinogy.

  • Once you have set a go live date, we will export the information from your system again and update the information in Pinogy the night before you go live.

    • This import will include setting your inventory quantities, along with gift card balances, and linking your customers with Astro.


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