Heartland POS Export Instruction


  1. In the header menu, click on the Sales Menu.

  2. In the list available, click on the customers menu.

  3. Click on the checkbox against any customer present in the list.

  4. On the top of the list, there will be an option avialable to select all the customers in the system, select that option.

  5. Click on the export button that shows up on top of the page.



  1. In the header menu, click on the Inventory Menu.

  2. In the list, click on the items menu.

  3. Click on the checkbox against any product present in the list.

  4. On the top of the list, there will be an option available to select all the products in the system, select that option.

  5. Click on the export button that shows up on the top if the page.

  6. For inventory, click on the Reporting header menu and create a report with 2 fields required - Item # and Current Inventory: Qty On Hand export the report.


  1. In the header menu, click on the Reporting Menu.

  2. select fields in the mentioned below

    1. export this report under name sales-history

    2. Sales Transaction: Number Customer: First Name Customer: Last Name Customer # Item: Barcode Item # Date: Date Item: Description Customer: Discount Discount: Name Sales Rep: Name Item: Price Item: Original Price Item: Cost Customer: Tax Exempt? Item: Food Sub Category Item: Category Source Sales: Net Sales Source Sales: Net Qty Sold Source Sales: Net Markdowns Source Sales: Net Returns
    3. export a report names sales-history-payment containing these fields

    4. Sales Transaction: Number Payment: Type Credit Card Payment: Edc Type Payment: Net Payments
    5. export a report names sales-history-tax containing these fields

    6. Sales Transaction: Number Payment: Net Payments Source Sales: Net Sales Source Sales: Net Sales Including Tax