How to change a Payment Batch Name

How to change a Payment Batch Name

This how-to walks you through add or changing a batch name tied to a payment method in the POS. Batch names are used to roll up your payments for on the End of Day and other reports. They are also used for the same purpose with all of the accounting export add ons.

1. Click "Global Settings and Configuration"


2. Click "Login"


3. Click "Payments"


4. Click on the line with the Payment Method that you want to update the assocaited batch name on.


5. Click " Manage"


6. If you want to create a new batch name, click on the Associated Batch field and type in the new name.


7. If you want to update the existing Batch name instead, click on the "..." on the right.


8. Select the batch name you want to modify.


9. Click " Manage"


10. Type in your new batch name.


11. Click " Save"


12. Close the Associated Batch popup screen.


13. Reselect the Associated Batch for the one you just created.


14. Click " Save"

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