Pinogy POS Training Guide: Pet Tracker - Breeds

Pinogy POS Training Guide: Pet Tracker - Breeds


The 'Breed' tab is where you can add new breeds or manage existing breeds.

  1. To create a breed, click the ‘New’ button.

  2. To edit a breed, select a breed and click the ‘Manage’ button.



Adding or Managing a breed





The ‘Basics’ tab:

  1. If this breed is a combination of other breeds, you can enter the parent breeds.

  2. Here. you can add alternative names for this breed.

  3. If you have a breed, you occasionally get but not often enough to advertise, use this ‘dropdown list’ to manage when it will appear on the website.

  4. This is a set of autogenerated plurals that assist in getting search results for this breed.


The Attributes tab

This is where you add the expected height and weight of this breed.


Custom Fields tab

This is where you can place search terms that assist in getting search results for this breed.


Notes tab

This section allows you to add Informative descriptions for this breed that can be added to the website.


Media tab

This tab allows you to add a picture of the breed for the website.


Paperwork tab

If you have breed-specific paperwork, it can be uploaded here.

You can set if it prints before or after a sale, the order in which it will be printed, and if it needs to be signed.



Characteristics tab

Badges and scales will allow you to display the usual Characteristics of the breed.