Pinogy POS Training Guide: Global Settings and Configuration - Employees

Pinogy POS Training Guide: Global Settings and Configuration - Employees

The Employees button is where you can add and manage your user accounts for Pinogy POS.

To add a new user, select New at the bottom of the screen.

To manage an existing user, you can either double-click the line/user or highlight and select Manage.

Under the Contact Info tab shown above,

  1. Add the first and last name.

  2. The Address fields can be used to record the employee’s home address.

  3. Phone is for the employee's phone number. The Type, by default, is “Mobile”. You can select other options from the drop-down arrow.

  4. The email field should be used only for internal, company email addresses. If reports are to be scheduled in one of the other modules, this is the address that they will be sent to. A personal address can be added by clicking the + next to the email field.

Under the Notes tab, you can add notes on your employees. Examples include performance notes, scheduling notes, etc. They are only visible here.

  1. A Display Name is required. This is the name that will show on reports, invoices, sales receipts, etc.

  2. Employee ID is an option for clients that assign employee IDs to their employees. An employee ID can also be used as a Display Name.

  3. Employee Role defines the level of access that the employee will have. For instance, you would probably not want to have a cashier set as an Admin. With the exception of an Admin, who, by default, have full access to everything everywhere, you will have the option to set more specific settings in some of the modules.

  4. App Access defines which modules will be accessible to your employee/user. It is recommended that only Admins have access to Loyalty and Settings and Configuration.

  5. This is where you set the user’s password to access Pinogy POS modules, as defined in section 4. Please note, if a user forgets their password and contacts Pinogy support to reset it, we will not. We will advise the employee to contact their Admin to reset. If they do not know who the Admin is, we can look that up for them.

  6. By default, when creating an employee they will be set as Enabled. You can also set an employee to Disabled to disable their access to Pinogy POS modules.

  7. If you have multiple store locations, you can set what locations an employee would have access to.

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