How to take a Store Pickup order

How to take a Store Pickup order

This article is for anyone who needs to take an order. This article specifies an in-store pickup order but the same basic method works for the other delivery methods if your store offers them. This order placement method for any of the delivery methods is preferred for special orders as once the item is placed on an order if it is not in stock it will be added to the next purchase order from a supplier that carries it.


Sometimes customers call in orders so they can pick them up or have them delivered to them where available. They may also request items that are not in stock and a special order has to be placed for them.


To do this ( this guide presumes the Cash Register module and drawer are already open) :

  1. Go to the Cash Register module.

  2. Click Start Order

  3. A Delivery Method window will appear and you will need to select the Store Pickup delivery method with the drop-down box. If you offer the other delivery methods those can be selected as well.


  4. Click Select to then open the order window





The cash register will switch to order mode. In order mode, you will ring up the items using the same method as normal. Due to the items not being in front of you if they are calling the order in you will probably need to rely on the search function and typing the description of the item in. When done they can either pay then or you can click the Pay at Pickup button. A customer will have to be selected for any order. If they choose to pay while on the phone then you can click Pay and then manually enter their credit card. If they choose Pay at Pickup they can then use whatever payment they want when they arrive.


The Pick List button will let you generate a list of items to be collected to put them aside for the customer when they arrive.

After this follow your store's policy and procedure for picking, prepping, and staging orders to have the items ready for when the customer arrives to pick them up.


A guide for how to handle orders is available at How to Handle Orders

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