Transaction API

Transaction API

How to list existing transactions

  • GET /api/v1/txns

  • GET /api/v1/txns/<transaction_id>

GET /api/v1/txns

  • limit - limit of number of results to return (default: 100)

  • offset - offset (default: 0)

  • order_by - field name to order by (for example:  "txn_opened_on")

  • order_type -  “desc” or “asc”

This resource returns a list of Transaction records sorted according to passed arguments.

Returned fields:

  • cashier -  Information on clerk who opened the transaction

  • closing_cashier - Same as cashier field but for clerk who closed the transaction

  • customer - Customer (buyer) information fields (name, address, phone, email)

  • location - Store location information (name, address, phone, email)

  • payments - List of payments accepted in that transaction (including voided ones)

  • products - List of product descriptions in that transaction

  • txnlines - List of transaction lines (quantity, amount including tax, discount)

  • transaction_id  -  Transaction ID

  • txn_loc_entity_id -  Location where this transaction took place.

  • txn_entity_id -  For a Sale, this is the customer.

  • txn_opened_by_user_entity_id  -  Clerk who opened the transaction.

  • txn_closed_by_user_entity_id  - Clerk who closed the transaction.

  • txn_type_number -  Separate identifier that is unique to each transaction type.

  • txn_type -  Transaction type.

  • txn_status -  Transaction status (Opened, Closed).

  • txn_notes -  Commentary about this transaction.

  • txn_opened_on -  The timestamp this transaction was opened.

  • txn_closed_on -  The timestamp this transaction was closed.

  • txn_subtotal -  The items subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)

  • txn_discount_total  -  The items discount subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)

  • txn_tax_total-  The items taxes subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)

  • txn_freight_total -  The txn freight total

  • txn_other_total -  The txn other total

  • txn_is_mfd -  MFD Flag: true is deleted/not available

  • txn_opened_device_id -  The device id used to open the transaction

  • txn_closed_device_id -  The device id used to close the transaction

  • txn_ent_name -  The customer name

  • txn_loc_receipt_name -  The location name used in the receipt

  • txn_addr_address_1 -  The customer address

  • txn_addr_address_2 -  The customer address

  • txn_addr_city -  The customer address city

  • txn_addr_postal_code -  The customer adddress postal code

  • txn_prgn_iso_code -  The customer address postal region

  • txn_prgn_full_name -  The customer address postal region name

  • txn_cnum_number -  The customer telephone

  • txn_eml_email -  The customer email

  • txn_expiration_date -  The expiration date for a quote, hold or layaway

  • txn_disclaimer_text -  Transaction and products receipt disclaimer

  • txn_reason -  The transaction type reason

  • txn_options -  Runtime selected options for the transaction that can be reloaded when the transaction opened again

  • txn_timezone -  Transaction Timezone (trigger updated)

  • txn_is_open -  Flag to indicate the transation is opened (calculated and materialized)

  • txn_tray_session_id -  Tray Session ID FK of the session editing the transaction

  • txn_session_id -  Session ID FK of the session editing the transaction

  • txn_fee_total -  The total paid in payment type fees, aggregated by triggers from txnpay_fee_amount

GET /api/v1/txns
GET /api/v1/txns {'limit': '2', 'order_by': 'txn_opened_on'}

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"txnline_product_description": "nylon leash", "txnline_product_id": 10001, "txnline_qty": 1.0 } ], "transaction_delivery_ids": null, "transaction_id": 2, "txn_addr_address_1": null, "txn_addr_address_2": null, "txn_addr_city": null, "txn_addr_postal_code": null, "txn_closed_by_user_entity_id": 5, "txn_closed_device_id": 4, "txn_closed_on": "2016-07-18T22:02:10.967469-04:00", "txn_cnum_number": null, "txn_disclaimer_text": null, "txn_discount_total": 0.44, "txn_eml_email": null, "txn_ent_name": null, "txn_entity_id": null, "txn_expiration_date": null, "txn_freight_total": 0.0, "txn_grand_total": 10.12, "txn_id": 2, "txn_is_mfd": false, "txn_is_open": false, "txn_loc_entity_id": 4, "txn_loc_receipt_name": null, "txn_notes": "", "txn_opened_by_user_entity_id": 5, "txn_opened_device_id": 4, "txn_opened_on": "2016-07-18T22:01:02.239868-04:00", "txn_options": {}, "txn_other_total": 0.0, "txn_prgn_full_name": null, "txn_prgn_iso_code": null, "txn_reason": null, "txn_receiving_batch": null, "txn_status": "Closed", "txn_subtotal": 10.01, "txn_tax_total": 0.55, "txn_timezone": "US/Eastern", "txn_totals": { "discount": "0.44", "fee": "0.00", "subtotal": "10.01", "tax": "0.55", "total": "10.12" }, "txn_type": "Sale", "txn_type_number": 2, "txnlines": [ { "transaction_line_id": 2, "txnline_amount": 10.00895, "txnline_amount_override_user_entity_id": null, "txnline_bundle_info": null, "txnline_customer_entity_id_req": false, "txnline_device_id": 4, "txnline_discount": 0.44, "txnline_discount_info": { "manual": { "amt": 0.44, "pct": 0.0 } }, "txnline_discount_override_user_entity_id": null, "txnline_discount_percent": 0.0, "txnline_expected_cost": 0.0, "txnline_extended_action_id": null, "txnline_is_closed": false, "txnline_is_mfd": false, "txnline_note_info": null, "txnline_options": null, "txnline_parent_transaction_line_id": null, "txnline_posted_on": "2016-07-18T22:01:00.551353-04:00", "txnline_processed_qty": 0.0, "txnline_prod_type": "Regular", "txnline_product_description": "nylon leash", "txnline_product_id": 10001, "txnline_product_serial_id": null, "txnline_qty": 1.0, "txnline_receiving_batch": null, "txnline_required_by_parent": false, "txnline_sale_cost": 10.0, "txnline_tax": 0.5549991, "txnline_tax_info": [ { "pct": 5.8, "tax": "Sales Tax", "vals": "[0,)" } ], "txnline_totals": { "discount": { "is_percentage": false, "value": "0.44" }, "extended_price": "9.57", "quantity": { "amount": "1", "unit_price": "9.56895" }, "unit_price": "10.00895" }, "txnline_transaction_id": 2, "txnline_transaction_payment_id": null, "txnline_txn_type": "Sale", "txnline_user_entity_id": 5, "txnline_vertical_app_id": null, "txnline_vertical_product_id": null, "txnline_visit_box_id": null } ] }, { "cashier": { "ent_first_name": "Admin", "ent_last_name": "User,1", "ent_name": "Admin User,1", "ent_roles": [ { "entity_role_id": 5, "erole_role_id": -9, "role_name": "Admin" } ], "ent_user": { "user_display_name": "Admin User 1", "user_is_active": false, "user_notes": null, "user_number": "123456", "user_username": "Admin User 1" }, "entity_id": 5 }, "closing_cashier": { "ent_first_name": "Admin", "ent_last_name": "User,1", "ent_name": "Admin User,1", "ent_roles": [ { "entity_role_id": 5, "erole_role_id": -9, "role_name": "Admin" } ], "ent_user": { "user_display_name": "Admin User 1", "user_is_active": false, "user_notes": null, "user_number": "123456", "user_username": "Admin User 1" }, "entity_id": 5 }, "customer": null, "invoice_id": 3, "location": { "contact_number_types_and_numbers": [ { "cnum_number": "888-555-7381", "numt_contact_number_type": "Office" } ], "email_info": [ { "eml_email": "info@example.com", "emlt_email_type": "Office" } ], "ent_name": "Pinogy Store", "ent_notes": "", "ent_roles": [ -2 ], "entity_address_info": [ { "addr_address_1": "123 Main Street", "addr_address_2": "", "addr_address_type_id": -1, "addr_city": "Herndon", "addr_country_id": 231, "addr_postal_code": "20170", "addr_region_id": 4677, "address_id": 1, "adrt_type": "Home", "ctry_full_name": "United States", "prgn_full_name": "Virginia", "prgn_iso_code": "VA", "prgn_local_region_name_id": "State" } ], "loc_entity_id": 4, "loc_is_enabled": true, "loc_receipt_name": "Pinogy Store", "loc_report_code": "PS", "loc_show_regional": true, "loc_website_url": "www.example.com" }, "parent_customer_recurring_sale_id": null, "payments": [ { "transaction_payment_id": 2, "txnpay_addr_address_1": null, "txnpay_addr_address_2": null, "txnpay_addr_city": null, "txnpay_addr_postal_code": null, "txnpay_amount": 10.12, "txnpay_attrs": { "EMVSale": "%7B%0D%0A%20%20%0D%0A%20%20%7D%0D%0A%7D" }, "txnpay_auth_code": "05105A", "txnpay_cnum_number": null, "txnpay_eml_email": null, "txnpay_ent_name": null, "txnpay_fee_amount": 0.0, "txnpay_fee_percent": 0.0, "txnpay_is_mfd": false, "txnpay_notes": null, "txnpay_paid_on": "2016-07-18T22:12:14.252271-04:00", "txnpay_parent_transaction_payment_id": null, "txnpay_payment_gateway_customer_token_id": null, "txnpay_payment_method_id": -10, "txnpay_prgn_full_name": null, "txnpay_prgn_iso_code": null, "txnpay_signature_image": null, "txnpay_transaction_id": 3, "txnpay_tray_session_id": 6, "txnpay_type": "Payment", "txnpay_user_entity_id": 5, "txnpay_voided": false, "txnpay_voided_by_user_entity_id": null, "txnpay_voided_on": null } ], "products": [], "returns": [], "rewards": [ { "commission_rate": "2.00", "prdpr_commission_pct": null, "reward_amount": null, "reward_employees": null, "reward_entry_id": null, "reward_user_entity_ids": [ null ], "reward_user_percentages": [ 100.0 ], "rwrde_amounts": null, "transaction_id": 3, "transaction_line_id": 3, "txn_loc_entity_id": 4, "txnline_amount": 10.01594, "txnline_parent_transaction_line_id": null, "txnline_product_description": "nylon leash", "txnline_product_id": 10001, "txnline_qty": 1.0 } ], "transaction_delivery_ids": null, "transaction_id": 3, "txn_addr_address_1": null, "txn_addr_address_2": null, "txn_addr_city": null, "txn_addr_postal_code": null, "txn_closed_by_user_entity_id": 5, "txn_closed_device_id": 4, "txn_closed_on": "2016-07-18T22:12:27.579271-04:00", "txn_cnum_number": null, "txn_disclaimer_text": null, "txn_discount_total": 0.45, "txn_eml_email": null, "txn_ent_name": null, "txn_entity_id": null, "txn_expiration_date": null, "txn_freight_total": 0.0, "txn_grand_total": 10.12, "txn_id": 3, "txn_is_mfd": false, "txn_is_open": false, "txn_loc_entity_id": 4, "txn_loc_receipt_name": null, "txn_notes": "", "txn_opened_by_user_entity_id": 5, "txn_opened_device_id": 4, "txn_opened_on": "2016-07-18T22:02:16.455793-04:00", "txn_options": {}, "txn_other_total": 0.0, "txn_prgn_full_name": null, "txn_prgn_iso_code": null, "txn_reason": null, "txn_receiving_batch": null, "txn_status": "Closed", "txn_subtotal": 10.02, "txn_tax_total": 0.55, "txn_timezone": "US/Eastern", "txn_totals": { "discount": "0.45", "fee": "0.00", "subtotal": "10.02", "tax": "0.55", "total": "10.12" }, "txn_type": "Sale", "txn_type_number": 3, "txnlines": [ { "transaction_line_id": 3, "txnline_amount": 10.01594, "txnline_amount_override_user_entity_id": null, "txnline_bundle_info": null, "txnline_customer_entity_id_req": false, "txnline_device_id": 4, "txnline_discount": 0.45, "txnline_discount_info": { "manual": { "amt": 0.45, "pct": 0.0 } }, "txnline_discount_override_user_entity_id": null, "txnline_discount_percent": 0.0, "txnline_expected_cost": 0.0, "txnline_extended_action_id": null, "txnline_is_closed": false, "txnline_is_mfd": false, "txnline_note_info": null, "txnline_options": null, "txnline_parent_transaction_line_id": null, "txnline_posted_on": "2016-07-18T22:02:14.779599-04:00", "txnline_processed_qty": 0.0, "txnline_prod_type": "Regular", "txnline_product_description": "nylon leash", "txnline_product_id": 10001, "txnline_product_serial_id": null, "txnline_qty": 1.0, "txnline_receiving_batch": null, "txnline_required_by_parent": false, "txnline_sale_cost": 10.0, "txnline_tax": 0.55482452, "txnline_tax_info": [ { "pct": 5.8, "tax": "Sales Tax", "vals": "[0,)" } ], "txnline_totals": { "discount": { "is_percentage": false, "value": "0.45" }, "extended_price": "9.57", "quantity": { "amount": "1", "unit_price": "9.56594" }, "unit_price": "10.01594" }, "txnline_transaction_id": 3, "txnline_transaction_payment_id": null, "txnline_txn_type": "Sale", "txnline_user_entity_id": 5, "txnline_vertical_app_id": null, "txnline_vertical_product_id": null, "txnline_visit_box_id": null } ] } ], "offset": 0, "total": 4068 }

How to obtain specific transaction information

GET /api/v1/txns/<transaction_id>
GET /api/v1/txns/3

{ "cashier": { "ent_first_name": "Admin", "ent_last_name": "User,1", "ent_name": "Admin User,1", "ent_roles": [ { "entity_role_id": 5, "erole_role_id": -9, "role_name": "Admin" } ], "ent_user": { "user_display_name": "Admin User 1", "user_is_active": false, "user_notes": null, "user_number": "123456", "user_username": "Admin User 1" }, "entity_id": 5 }, "closing_cashier": { "ent_first_name": "Admin", "ent_last_name": "User,1", "ent_name": "Admin User,1", "ent_roles": [ { "entity_role_id": 5, "erole_role_id": -9, "role_name": "Admin" } ], "ent_user": { "user_display_name": "Admin User 1", "user_is_active": false, "user_notes": null, "user_number": "123456", "user_username": "Admin User 1" }, "entity_id": 5 }, "customer": null, "invoice_id": 3, "location": { "contact_number_types_and_numbers": [ { "cnum_number": "877-360-7381", "numt_contact_number_type": "Office" } ], "email_info": [ { "eml_email": "info@pinogy.com", "emlt_email_type": "Office" } ], "ent_name": "Pinogy Store", 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