Why is my Price higher than the markup I have set?

This article is for anyone who has noticed an unexpected price level when using the markup settings.



Usually, this is due to the cost of an item fluctuating.

For example, this item has a cost that has fluctuated between 19.02 and 27.68 based on where it was purchased.



The markup feature in our software will only ever increase the price of an item by default.  This setting is enabled to help maintain consistent pricing when ordering from different sources that might have variations in the cost, like what happened on this product.  The setting itself can be seen under Settings -> Options




What would have happened is when the product first came in with a cost of 27.68, the system calculated the price as 27.68*1.47 = 40.6896 which then got rounded to 40.99.  When the cost went down again, it then calculated at the lower price, but as that is lower than the current price, it didn't apply.  Pressing on the recycle icon next to markup forces an immediate recalculation as you are manually telling it to recalculate the price instead of when it happens automatically.  That will allow the price to get recalculated and saved even if it's lower.