This article is for anyone who needs to know how to create and clear a hold.
Holds are meant to be short. A customer was at the register and remembered something back in the aisle so left to go grab it but the clerk needs to put that sale on hold and ring up another customer in line. Someone may have left their wallet or checkbook at home so will hold the sale until they get back later that day. Regular holds are not removed automatically and should be, ideally, addressed before the close of business same day - ESPECIALLY if a payment has been applied. If a payment has been applied, and the invoice is held to the next day, the client loses the ability to void the payment. This can get very messy, which is why the functionality to require (or warn) held invoices to be closed before closing out the drawer was added.
Putting a sale on hold
To put a sale on hold, press the Hold button.
This puts the sale on hold until the customer comes back or it needs to be cleared at the end of the day.
To reopen the hold press the Open Hold button and select the hold you want to reopen.