WMI is required for our software to install and work. If you purchased the computer from us and it is still under warranty then this is covered. If the computer was not purchased from Pinogy or has exited it’s warranty period then you will need to consult a local IT professional to have this done. There is a chance of the computer becoming non-functional if this is attempted and require a complete reinstall of windows.
You can receive error 0x80041010 from multiple applications that call WMI.
Confirm WMI is Broken:
Launch the WMI MMC snapin by Start -> Run -> then enter WMIMGMT.MSC
Right click WMI Control (Local) and click Properties
If WMI is working properly then it will show that Working Properties. If you see Invalid class then your WMI is not working correctly.
Not Working Properly :
Working :
The first step is to download the Microsoft WMIDiag Tool. It will analyze WMI and give you a report with any issues it finds.
When you run the downloaded .EXE it will ask you where to extract the files. Once extracted right click the WMIDiag VBScript and click Open with Command Prompt
Here is what the script looks like while it runs:
Once complete you will get a text file of the results. Here you should be able to narrow down the cause of your WMI issue. In this case there are issues with .MOF registrations.
Resolve MOF Registration Errors:
To resolve MOF Registration errors the following commands need to be ran from an elevated command prompt. It will reregister all .MOF files with WMI.
PowerShell 1CD C:\Windows\System32\WBEM dir /b *.mof *.mfl | findstr /v /i uninstall > moflist.txt & for /F %s in (moflist.txt) do mofcomp %s
Here is what the command looks like while it runs:
Once finished check WMIMGMT.MSC to see if it is populating the Properties correctly.