Pinogy POS Training Guide: Pet Tracker - Settings

Pet Types Tab:

  1. Double-click a Pet Type to manage or highlight and click Manage.

  2. Click Add to add a new pet type.


Badges Tab:

We have begun adding Pet Badges to our websites. At this time of this writing, they are already deployed for use with Breeds, and we are preparing to add them to our individual puppy pages. Pet badges serve as visual indicators, providing quick insights into an animal’s traits, like whether they're suitable for families or apartment living, making it easier for you to find a pet that matches your lifestyle.


Here we see that the Cavachon is considered a Family Dog and is Apartment Friendly. The badges can be customized to show different images and names.

You can set badges for either the breed or an individual animal. Badges are not limited to canines and can be set to any pet type set in Pet Tracker.

To access the badges:

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click on the Settings button.

  3. Click on the Badges tab.

There are several badges and colors that you can add. These badges can be edited by selecting one and clicking Manage.

This will let you edit the name, the Pet Types it applies to, and the image used for it.

You can also make your own custom badges for display.

To add a Custom Badge:

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click on the ‘Settings’ button.

  3. Click on the ‘Badges’ tab.

  4. Click on ‘Add’.

  5. Type in a Name.

  6. Select the pet type you want this badge to apply to using the drop-down menu.

  7. Click ‘Select File’ to open the file browser to select an image to go along with the badge.

  8. Navigate to the image you want to use and select it.

  9. Click ‘Open’ to select the image and send it to our cropping tool.

  10. In the cropping tool, adjust which part of the image you want to use for the badge.

  11. Click ‘Crop' and 'Save’ when done.

  12. Click ‘[Save’ when finished editing the badge.

 To set the badges for a Breed:

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click the 'Breeds' button.

  3. Select the breed you want to add the badge to.

  4. Click the ‘Characteristic’ tab.

  5. For existing badges, you can set them with the drop-down menu.

  6. New badges can be added with the green Plus. Once the badge is added, select which badge it is with the drop-down menu.

  7. Save when done.

 To set a badge on a pet:

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click the ‘Pets’ button.

  3. Select the pet you want to set badges on.

  4. Click ‘Manage’.

  5. In the manage pet window, click on the 'Notes' tab.

  6. Use the Badges drop-down to check which badges you want to apply to the pet. Multiple badges can be selected.

  7. Save when done.

 After setting a badge on a pet it may take up to an hour to update.


Pet Status Tab:

Custom Pet Statuses can be created.

  1. This field shows available parent and custom statuses and whether or not pets will be displayed on your website.

  2. Click 'Add' to add a new status.

  3. Select your Parent Status, define the Alias, and check if you want pets with that status to be viewable on your Available Pets website page.


Breeders Tab:

  1. Breeder information will be displayed in the main window.

  2. Click ‘Add’ to add additional breeders.


Medical Tab:

  1. Conditions and Treatments can be set under the ‘Medical’ tab.

  2. Conditions and Treatments are shown here.

  3. Additional Conditions and Treatments can be added.

  1. Click ‘Add’.

  2. Name your Condition or Treatment.

  3. Select the Type of Condition or Treatment.

  4. Select the type of pet that the Condition or Treatment affects.

  5. If you wish, you can add an Alias for the name of Condition or Treatment.


Registries Tab:

  1. The main window under the Registries tab will show all available pet registrars.

  2. Registries can be modified or added.


Paperwork Tab:

  1. This window will show paperwork to be generated at either the Creation of a pet in the Pet Tracker module or at the sale of the pet.

  1. Click ‘Add’ to add paperwork to Pet Tracker.

  2. Name your document.

  3. Select your Classification from the drop-down.

  4. Select the type of pet the paperwork applies to by clicking the ‘Applied to Types’ drop-down.

  5. If you have more than one location, you can select the locations the document applies to.

  6. Click ‘Select File’ to find the file that you wish to be uploaded.

  7. Here you can define how many copies of the document are generated at the Creation of the pet in the Pet Tracker module, if the paperwork is for E-Sign, if there is a Pre-Sale Print Qty, or how many copies of the document are generated upon the sale of the pet. You can also define when the document prints by defining the Sort Order.


‘Add Ons’ Tab:

  1. Add Ons currently in Pet Tracker will be displayed here, as well as if they are required on a sale (Yes) or if they are optional (No).

  2. Click ‘Add’ to add new Add Ons.

  1. Name your Add On.

  2. Define whether the Add On is Required.

  3. Click the drop-down of Applies to Types to define which type of pet(s) the Add On will apply to.

  4. You can define a specific breed of the pet type selected that the Add On will apply to.

  5. Here you can select the Product, Bundle, or Variant that will be used as the Add On.

  6. Click Save when done creating the Add On.


Custom Fields Tab:


Custom fields can be set up here to use in conjunction with the Advanced Search tab.


Advanced Search Tab:


The fields shown can be enabled in the Advanced search on the website. Select an individual item and use the arrows to set the order in which they are displayed.


Notifications Tab:

  1. Verify the email address shown for your account. If no address is shown, set a valid email address for your Pinogy login under ‘Global Settings and Configuration’.

  2. Check ‘Enabled’.

  3. From the drop-down, select how often you want to receive notifications. Options are Each Sale or Daily.

  4. Select which Pet Types you would like to receive notifications on.

  5. Select your location(s) from the list provided.

  6. If enabled, select which locations you would like to receive Layaway Notifications from.

  7. Click Save.


Settings Tab:

  1. Under the Media tab, you can set the aspect ratio for cropping images to be displayed in Pet Tracker and on your website. Options are 1x1 (square) or 4x3 (rectangle).

  1. Under the Printing tab, you can define your printer (Zebra ZD410 or ZD411) for printing labels.


If the Appointments ‘Add On’ is enabled in Global Settings and Configuration, you can set up appointment spaces to have your customers come and visit their prospective pet before purchase.

  1. Select the appointment length.

  2. Under ‘Website Button’, enter the text as you would like it displayed on your website.

  3. Select the Button Image to be displayed on your website.

  4. Add your rooms/play spaces in the designated section.