Adding social media accounts into the POS and Website

Adding social media accounts into the POS and Website

Social Media accounts can be added under each location in the POS. Once these are added, then your website will show icons and a link for each account to allow you customers to easily go from your website to your social accounts.

The process below will lead you through the steps to add you social media accounts into the POS.

1. Click "Global Settings and Configuration"

2. Click "Login"

3. Click "Locations"


4. Click on the location you are going to edit.

5. Click " Manage"

6. Click "Website Options"

7. Click the "+" under the Social Media section to add your first social media account.

8. Select the Type of social media account and then enter the url for your page on that site. In this case, we are adding facebook:


9. Click the "+" again to add a second social media account.


10. Select the type of social media account you are adding:


11. In this case, I'm selecting Instagram.


12. Add the URL for your page on Instagram.


13. Click " Save"

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