How to Create and use Pet Badges

How to Create and use Pet Badges

This article is for anyone who wants to create and use Pet Badges with our websites.


We have begun adding Pet Badges to our websites. At this time of this writing they are already deployed for use with Breeds and we are preparing to add them to our individual puppy pages. Pet badges allow us to add images to an animal’s information page to help a customer know about extra particulars of the animal.

Example :

Here we see that the Cavachon is considered a Family Dog and is Apartment Friendly. The badges can be customized to show different images and names.

You can set badges to either the breed or an individual animal. Badges are not limited to canines and can be set to any pet type set in Pet Tracker.

To access the badges

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click on the Settings button.

  3. Click on the Badges tab.

There are several badges and colors that you can add. These badges can be edited by selecting one and clicking Manage.

This will let you edit the name, Pet Types it applies to, and the image used for it.




You can also make your own custom badges for display.

To add a Custom Badge

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click on the Settings button.

  3. Click on the Badges tab.

  4. Click on Add.

  5. Type in a Name.

  6. Select the pet type you want this badge to apply to using the drop-down menu.

  7. Click Select File to open the file browser to select an image to go along with the badge.

  8. Navigate to the image you want to use and select it.

  9. Click Open to select the image and send it to our cropping tool.

  10. In the cropping tool adjust which part of the image you want to use for the badge.

  11. Click Crop and Save when done.

  12. Click Save when finished editing the badge.





To set the badges for a Breed

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click the Breeds button.

  3. Select the breed you want to add the badge to.

  4. Click the Characteristic tab.

  5. For existing badges you can set it with the drop-down menu.

  6. New badges can be added with the green Plus. Once the badge is added select which badge it is with the drop-down menu.

  7. Save when done.



To set a badge on a pet

  1. Open Pet Tracker.

  2. Click the Pets button.

  3. Select the pet you want to set badges on.

  4. Click Manage.

  5. In the manage pet window click on the Notes tab.

  6. Use the Badges drop-down to check which badges you want to apply to the pet. Multiple badges can be selected.

  7. Save when done.


After setting a badge on a pet it may take up to an hour to update.






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