How to correct image orientation for importing into Pet Tracker

This article is meant for users of Pet Tracker whose cameras are causing the orientation to be wrong when importing into Pet Tracker. This applies to the Windows version of our software.


Sometimes when using cell phones to take pictures for importing into Pet Tracker to then display on the website the images will be turned sideways. Even if they appear to have the correct orientation in the File folder there is hidden data attached to the image that causes it to be displayed sideways when then imported into Pet Tracker. To fix this there are a few easy steps we can use. We are hoping to to get a rotation function added to Pet Tracker in the future but until then please follow the steps in this guide.


Proceed into Pet Tracker as normal for adding an image. For the example, we will be using a bird.

If the image is normal and looks good set the cropping and save as normal. If it does not appear correctly then you will need to fix it.

Go Back to Pet Tracker and select the new image with the select File option.

The image will then be loaded into the media tab and you can save it to finalize all changes.


The image will now appear on the website and in Pet Tracker properly.


For further assistance please call 877-360-7381



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