

The team at Pinogy is always looking for new ways to help businesses grow. In order for a business to truly succeed, the business has to keep customers coming back for repeat purchases, turning passerby customers into loyal brand advocates. Our program is simple for the customer to understand, rewards the customer for every visit, and is perceived as being very valuable. The end result is customers that keep coming back, over and over, and becomes an advocate for your store.

Pinogy Loyalty currently supports Bonus Bucks and Gift Cards.  

Bonus Bucks work by assigning a percentage back on products.  When a customer makes a purchase, that percentage back amount will appear as a separate receipt from the main purchase and tells them how much they have earned in Bonus Bucks.  They can then use their available bonus bucks to pay for a portion of a future purchase.  By default, a Bonus Buck is good for 60 days, and is tied to the customer account.  Each new purchase the customer does will reset the 60 day expiration.  This program works well as it encourages the customer to return to the store to make an additional purchase before the bonus bucks expire.

Gift Cards are the second program supported by Pinogy Loyalty.  Gift Cards can be custom designed to highlight your stores branding, and thus increase your brands recognition.  The more gift cards you can get out there, the more new customers you can get into your store, and then turn them into repeat customers.

To read more about the Pinogy Loyalty program, please visit https://loyalty.pinogy.com/ or contact your Pinogy Account Manager.


To activate the Pinogy Loyalty Add-on please view this guide : Pinogy Loyalty Quick Start Guide

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