How to list existing transactions
GET /api/v1/txns
limit - limit of number of results to return (default: 100)
offset - offset (default: 0)
order_by - field name to order by (for example: "txn_opened_on")
order_type - “desc” or “asc”
Resource returns a list of Transaction records sorted according to passed arguments.
Transaction structure fields are documented below.
How to obtain specific transaction information
GET /api/v1/txns/<transaction_id>
Returned fields:
cashier - Information on clerk who opened the transaction
closing_cashier - Same as cashier field but for clerk who closed the transaction
customer - Customer (buyer) information fields (name, address, phone, email)
location - Store location information (name, address, phone, email)
payments - List of payments accepted in that transaction (including voided ones)
products - List of product descriptions in that transaction
txnlines - List of transaction lines (quantity, amount including tax, discount)
transaction_id - Transaction ID
txn_loc_entity_id - Location where this transaction took place.
txn_entity_id - For a Sale, this is the customer.
txn_opened_by_user_entity_id - Clerk who opened the transaction.
txn_closed_by_user_entity_id - Clerk who closed the transaction.
txn_type_number - Separate identifier that is unique to each transaction type.
txn_type - Transaction type.
txn_status - Transaction status (Opened, Closed).
txn_notes - Commentary about this transaction.
txn_opened_on - The timestamp this transaction was opened.
txn_closed_on - The timestamp this transaction was closed.
txn_subtotal - The items subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)
txn_discount_total - The items discount subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)
txn_tax_total- The items taxes subtotal rounded at txnline level (trigger updated)
txn_freight_total - The txn freight total
txn_other_total - The txn other total
txn_is_mfd - MFD Flag: true is deleted/not available
txn_opened_device_id - The device id used to open the transaction
txn_closed_device_id - The device id used to close the transaction
txn_ent_name - The customer name
txn_loc_receipt_name - The location name used in the receipt
txn_addr_address_1 - The customer address
txn_addr_address_2 - The customer address
txn_addr_city - The customer address city
txn_addr_postal_code - The customer adddress postal code
txn_prgn_iso_code - The customer address postal region
txn_prgn_full_name - The customer address postal region name
txn_cnum_number - The customer telephone
txn_eml_email - The customer email
txn_expiration_date - The expiration date for a quote, hold or layaway
txn_disclaimer_text - Transaction and products receipt disclaimer
txn_reason - The transaction type reason
txn_options - Runtime selected options for the transaction that can be reloaded when the transaction opened again
txn_timezone - Transaction Timezone (trigger updated)
txn_is_open - Flag to indicate the transation is opened (calculated and materialized)
txn_tray_session_id - Tray Session ID FK of the session editing the transaction
txn_session_id - Session ID FK of the session editing the transaction
txn_fee_total - The total paid in payment type fees, aggregated by triggers from txnpay_fee_amount
Example of response:
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